Looking for the best of both worlds? Combine Directors Bay and Tugboat in one amazing drift dive!!
At the end of the Caracas Bay Peninsula, you’ll find a secluded coral / pebble beach named Directors Bay. This beach gets its name from the fact that it was once a private beach for the directors of the Shell. Nowadays it’s a very popular dive spot, also ideal for snorkelers.
Immediately in front of the beach, there is a steep drop-off that continues on to the right. Although the wall is almost vertical, there is still a lot of sand on which different kind of sponges, soft and hard corals grow. Smooth trunkfish, white sea urchin, barracuda, spotted scorpionfish, moray and even green sea turtles call this dive spot their home.
If the current is in our favor, we can easily drift towards Tugboat at Caracas Bay. Tons of fish, eel, octopus, coral and other sea creatures have made this Tugboat their home. You may also spot seahorses here! The Tugboat, at around 5 meters below the surface, is the perfect spot for our safety stop at the end of the dive.